
Why I’m Wearing A Headband For One Month Straight (And You Should Too) #TrustTheHeadband

Soooo, I’ve been joking with my wife about Ben Simmons rocking a headband during warmups the past few weeks. I started tagging pics with #HeadbandBen. Don’t judge me, it can get kind of boring before games sometimes, but the fun is in picking out odd/interesting things to talk about.

Before I took off for last night’s win, I tweeted this…

Don’t ask me why, I just did. And to get this out of the way, no, Ben Simmons does not read my tweets. Anyways, as I usually do at this point during warmups, I’m on headband watch. And there it is. Ben’s rockin it. Oh, Jimmy too.

And then….Franklin too.

Oh, this is really happening. The #HeadbandEra is happening. They step on the floor for intros. Headbands. They head to tip-off and…..headbands. Yes, it happened!

Oops, I don’t have a headband. I’m a man of my word, so I went off on a mission. Only problem is the Sixers Team stores don’t sell “sweatbands.” I made do, though.

And I’ve ordered a few other styles to spice things up for the month. That’s a lot of days, it could get old fast, right?

The Sixers won, naturally. I’m superstitious, and that means that the Sixers can’t not wear headbands. I mean, Brett Brown and Jimmy Butler even addressed them during their press conferences:

So the “why you” part?


So, I care very deeply about the Philly-based foundation Alex’s Lemonade Stand. You can read more about the work they do to beat up childhood cancer here.

YOU…YES YOU…should also wear a headband for the month of December. I’ve decided to donate $76 for day one and $76 for the last day to Alex’s, and maybe some of you folks could too?

Also, take pics of you wearing your headband on Twitter, Insta, Finsta, Snapcat, Fershberk, etc and use the hashtag: #TrustTheHeadband. Maybe we’ll find a cool company to donate some cash for all of the pics that come in.

Yes, I’m weird. No, I don’t care. And yes, I’ve done this kinda stuff before.

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