
Welcome to the Bubble- Part 2

  1. The Gang Takes on Orlando

Matisse is back with his second Vlog coming from inside the bubble. The Rookie survived his hotel quarantine and now gets to enjoy the spoils of the Orlando Resort. This video is much funnier than the first one and it gives us a look at the dynamic between the players. There’s a lot to unpack within the video so I better hurry, considering that by the time I finish this sentence, part 3 will already have been released.

The Testers

Matisse opens up the video with some humor claiming that his breakfast menu “looks good on paper.” It’s still early in the bubble but we will have to create an over/under based on how long it will take for Matisse to get sick of the food. At least he received his utensils this time. Thybulle then looks out the peephole and witnesses “The Testers” stroll through the hallways like they are stormtroopers participating in the Imperial March. I closed my eyes during the testing part so that I didn’t cringe, so I can’t comment on that. My favorite part of the whole video is when the Rookie threw the mattress topper on the ground and claimed that it could be used as a “hangout spot….” Who is gonna want to hang out on that, Matisse? That line reminded me of a piece of dialogue straight out of Step Brothers


The next portion of the video focuses on Matisse finally unpacking his clothes. In this section, the defensive stud shows off his videography and editing skills by keeping us entertained with neat skills and tricks. Thybulle is proving that videography isn’t just some hobby because clearly he’s very talented. I was looking forward to Matisse getting to fly his drone around the Orlando campus, but sadly, it was postponed. I hope we get to see the drone footage in a future video. Maybe we will even be lucky enough to see Simmons catch a fish while the drone flies over him.

The Practice

The last half of the video is a fun final 6 minutes because we get to see the Rookie interact with his fellow teammates. The team dynamic is awesome to watch and Matisse seems to be the glue among every relationship. The players on the team treat him like a little brother and he has a unique relationship with each individual. My favorite moments in this section include Tobias saying “Are you ready for school?” Ben Simmons exclaiming, “It’s go time,” for the second straight video, and Mike Scott forcing Matisse to get his shoes for him. We need to see Mike Scott performing some Jim Halpert level pranks on Thybulle in future videos.

The final moment consisted of Thybulle including a flashback of his cherry bubbly soda exploding all over his mini-fridge. Kyle-O-Quinn then insisted that the Rookie chug the cherry soda so he gets the full effect of the cherry taste. Matisse attempts to chug the drink but had to surrender after two seconds because it’s “bubbly.” I’d love to see him attempt to shotgun a beer. I’m not sure that it would go well.


This video is jammed pack with hilarious and entertaining content. We are blessed with grade-A Matisse commentary, outstanding videography skills, and a look into the relationships that makes us feel like we are apart of the squad. I was once again left very intrigued to see what future videos bring.

My wish is that we get to see Thybulle spend some time with individual players to see how their relationships work. Maybe we can see Matisse and Ben go fishing, or Tobias reading him one of his books. If we are lucky enough, maybe we could get a front-row seat to Matisse playing Joel in 2K. Whenever part 3 is released, The Phifth Quarter will surely be here to give our report.


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