
Sixers Media Region: Update on voting numbers for field of 64

Here are the updated votes for the Sixers Media Region.

The first round lasts 24 hours.

The votes started at Noon, so you still have over 12 hours left to get your picks in.

Below are the current numbers:

Media Region:
#1 Marc Zumoff (95.2%)              vs     #16  Noah Levick (4.8%).  1,514 votes so far.
#8 Danny Pommells (63.9%).    vs     #9 Paul Hudrick ( 36.1%)   892 votes so far.
#5 Keith Pompey (47.4%)             vs    #12 Micheal K-B  (52.6%). 1,115 votes so far.
#4 Tom McGinnis (71%).              vs     #13 Jon Johnson (29%).  865 votes so far.
#6 Tyrone Johnson ( 43.5%).      vs     #11 Adam Aaronson (56.5%)  910 votes so far.
#3 Amy Fadool (57.8%)                  vs.   #14 Rich Hoffman. (42.2%).   920 votes so far.
#7 Kyle Neubeck (86.5%).              vs.   #10 Ky Carlin        ( 13.5%).    1,071 votes so far
#2 Alaa Abdelnaby. (88.5%)          vs    #15 Brian Jacobs.  (11.5%)     985 votes so far
Upset Alert:
#5 Keith Pompey (47.4%)             vs    #12 Micheal K-B  (52.6%). 1,115 votes so far.
#6 Tyrone Johnson ( 43.5%).      vs     #11 Adam Aaronson (56.5%)  910 votes so far.
The Media Region will finish up tomorrow morning that will be followed by the Sixers Personalities Region.
Hope everyone is enjoying Sixers Twitter field of 64.


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