
Phifth Quarter Team Introductions


We are excited to launch the next chapter for the Phifth Quarter brand with a new website. We will be providing Philadelphia 76ers content along with other Philly sports news. We will break news, write opinion pieces, and break down Sixers games throughout the season. Long story short, we started last year with producing a podcast that just focused on the Sixers. We soon became credible, with guests such as Ray Didinger, Marc Zumoff, Mark Willard, and Max Rappaport along with growing our audience on social media and realized that our next step was to have our own website. Here we are on August 27th,  as an official website with a terrific staff of young talent. We want to let all of our listeners and followers get to know us a little bit better.

Here are some questions that show individually what makes our Phifth Quarter staff unique. Please subscribe to our website and give us feedback so we can grow and learn. Thank you for trusting the PQ process.


Team Introductions:

Ryan Haase: Business Development                        

Josh Lyons: Digital & Social Media                                    

Pat Kelly: co-host / WWE wrestler   

David Fenster: Producer / Host                                               

Joe Rutkowski: co-host


What was your favorite Philadelphia Sports moment?

David Fenster:  The most obvious answer is the Super Bowl victory. Honestly, though, the entire day of the NFC Championship game is up for an Oscar. The night before, I lost my phone in an Uber and was scrambling around the morning of the game trying to get in contact with my driver.  After many attempted phone calls, I finally got in touch with the driver.  He was all the way in Allentown (which is an hour and a half away from me) and I had to drive with directions written out on paper.  I called an audible on the plan and decided to bank on my friend being home to come along with me for the ride to aid me in the journey so I wouldn’t get lost.

We were going to the same tailgate so it made sense.  When I got to his house, he was gone.  I was screwed.  I really didn’t want my parents to find out that I lost my phone so I was in a sticky situation.  My friends Dad gets a call from my friend saying that he missed his train.  This was destiny.  My buddy came along for the car ride and retrieved my phone and we were headed to the tailgate right outside the stadium.  I then went to the game with my Dad and Brother and the rest was history.  I’ll never forget that day for the rest of my life.

Ryan Haase: I would have to say when the Phillies won the World Series in 2008. I was with my dad who is a huge Philadelphia sports fan and it was awesome to share that moment together.

Pat Kelly: My favorite moment in Philadelphia sports history was winning the Super Bowl. I still go back and watch highlights from that game. I’ll never forget Philly coming together and celebrating as a city with the electricity around the city at the time. I hope I will get to experience it again in my lifetime.

Josh Lyons:  I think it’s too easy to say the Eagles Super Bowl Win this past season, but it’s the truth. I’ve never witnessed a greater time in my sports fandom then watching the Birds beat Tom Brady and Bill Belichick in the Super Bowl. On top of that, being a Temple student and watching the madness down broad street post-victory added the icing on the cake. What a time to be a fan in this town.

Joe Rutkowski: Without a doubt, it has to be the Eagles Super Bowl victory.



What got you into podcasting and writing?

David Fenster: I was always the class clown type in HS who was always chatty and wanted to read aloud whenever we had to read a chapter for class or a play in English class.  Ever since high school, I’ve generally have been a boomy goofy kind of guy and I figured I might as well try and make a career out of this.  I like the spotlight and I like interacting with new people and I believe that this type of outlet allows me to do that.

Ryan Haase: I would say Tony Bruno showed me the way as I got to intern for him my freshman year in college. I enjoy interviewing and that got me to move into podcasting.

Pat Kelly: I got into podcasting and writing because I love talking about sports. It’s the one topic almost all people, particularly in Philadelphia, have in common. When you aren’t sure what to talk about with someone, you almost always can bring up sports.

Josh Lyons: Being so active on Twitter, I’ve learned a lot from watching how others present themselves online within the sports community. I always wanted to take my knowledge and opinions somewhere else that was not a 280 character max. Having the opportunity to sit around with my friends and talk sports is so fun and now we have the platform to expand!

Joe Rutkowski: My inability to professionally play sports made me want to pursue a future writing and talking about the hot topics. I eat, sleep, and breathe Philadelphia sports and want to hear the opinions of fans all over the country


If you had to describe yourself in one word or phrase what would it be?                                                                                                                                                                                     

David Fenster: Hype

Ryan Haase: Independent

Pat Kelly: Easy-Going

Josh Lyons: Go with the flow

Joe Rutkowski: Honest


If you could interview one person, who would it be and why?

David FensterErnie Johnson because that’s a dream job of mine to have and would love to hear his story in person. 

Ryan Haase: Jeff Gordon, due to the fact that I followed his career since I was 5. He also sets the tone for professionalism in broadcasting and the business world.

Pat Kelly: Assuming this is a dead or alive situation, I would have to interview Wilt Chamberlain. I went back and forth with Wilt and Lebron and I decided to go with Wilt because he has a better story to tell and he has a story we haven’t heard a million times before. Also, Wilt is the best basketball player of all time.

Josh Lyons: I’d love to go back in time and interview with Ed Snider. He has been an idol of mine growing up and it was very upsetting when I heard the news of his passing a couple of years ago. Ed made such an impact in the NHL community, Philly sports community, and all sports around the US. On top of being a tremendous guy, he was always thinking about others before himself; I’d love to spend a day with him and learn from his experiences.

Joe Rutkowski: I would want to interview Chase Utley, due to the fact that he was my favorite Phillies player growing up and always played the game hard.

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