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Happy 83rd Birthday to the Champion of Sex, Wilt Chamberlain

Today, on what would’ve been his 83rd birthday, we celebrate the life of basketball legend, Wilt Chamberlain. The Philadelphia native was well known for his dominance in the early days of the NBA forcing several rule changes that shaped today’s game. Rather than highlight his already well known accolades, like his 100-point game or his many scoring titles, there is another record much more deserving of commemoration, Wilt Chamberlain’s unbreakable sex record.









According to Chamberlain himself in his 1991 book, a View From Above, the NBA legend claims he had sex with 20,000 different women in his life. Seriously. By the age 55, Wilt Chamberlain slept with twenty-thousand different women.

Chamberlain caught some heat at the time for his comment, considering it came at the height of the AIDs epidemic, but he genuinely thought people wanted to know. He wasn’t bragging or anything. “I was just laying it out there for people who were curious,” Chamberlain said.

In a very educational article, broke down Wilt’s sexcapades by the numbers. Interestingly, they mention that Wilt likely graduated high school having never had sex, meaning all 20,000 women came after the age of 18. This would mean Wilt averaged 1.5 women per day, or one woman every 16.29 hours, for 37 years. And I bet you thought scoring 100 points in a game seemed tough.

It all sounds crazy, but Wilt, unsurprisingly, mentioned he was very fond of threesomes. He was also a life-long insomniac who struggled with sleep. Often times when he had a hard time sleeping, he’d find a woman for the night instead. One of Wilt’s most legendary stretches came on a ten-game road trip in which he slept with 23 different women.

Fun fact: Wilt Chamberlain dated Quentin Tarantino’s mom for a bit, which explains a lot.

Chamberlain’s Los Angeles mansion even had its own sex room, which should be a surprise to no one. The mansion is believed to have been the site of a majority of his sexual encounters. The mansion recently went on sale for $19M. You know what they say, sex sells.

Despite having been with thousands, Wilt knew the value of a good woman. “Having a thousand different ladies is pretty cool, I’ve learned in my life. I’ve (also) found out that having one woman a thousand different times is more satisfying,” Chamberlain said in a 1999 interview. Honestly, this makes the fact he slept with 20,000 different women all the more mind boggling.

Sadly, Chamberlain died of heart failure in 1999 leaving us to wonder if he could’ve ever broken Steve McQueen’s sex record. The world will never know. If only the government hadn’t invented AIDs.

Happy birthday, Wilt Chamberlain! Go out and have sex with someone in his honor, it’s what he would’ve wanted.

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