PQ News

“Getting back to my roots” – Drew Olanoff joins The Phifth Quarter

Getting back to my roots.

tl:dr I’m joining The Phifth Quarter to feed my appreciation for the Sixers.

So I’m a kid who basically knows nothing about nothing and I said to my coworkers and friends, “yo, let’s start a podcast.” They looked at me like I had eight heads. In my mind, we talked about tech all day, so it totally made sense.

We called it “the best damn tech show, period.”

This was more than 12 years ago. We had a blast. Wasn’t a full time thing. It was for fun. We met a lot of great people. More importantly, Paul, Adam and Schmidt remain some of the most important family members in my life. They’ve always been there for me.

Why did we do it? Part was because it was early and exciting, and mostly because it was a way to just spend time with my friends. We got some sponsors, had some great opportunities. it also sparked the beginning of everything that I hold near and dear today career wise.

We had to hustle.

But now? I’m old. I’ve learned a lot. Seen a lot.


Starting something over, or new, isn’t something I’d want to do. I love spending time with April, my family and friends. My career is super important to me, I work a lot, and I love helping out our companies.

But now that I’m back in Philly, which is home, I had that bug. The bug to be a part of something….extra. Something that gives me the juice that the tech show gave me.

As we were moving back, as my stories usually go…I came across a group of folks on twitter under the moniker “The Phifth Quarter”. I love basketball, and specifically the Sixers. They love the Sixers. They have a podcast and they write about the team and stuff. We chatted a bit. We hung out a few times. They have the same fire we had when we started BDTSP (which ran over 5 years weekly).


I wondered, “how do i get involved with something like that?” turns out, they were thinking the same about me. So there you have it. I’ve joined the Phifth quarter crew in a Brett Brown type of capacity. They have a really great thing going, lotsa heart, really talented and just put off a great vibe.


Podcasting and grassroots media in general is having a resurgence. I mean, it never really left…but the tools and the channels for distribution are wide open in ways that were only getting started “in my day”.

So, that’s all I got for now. Maybe i’ll write an article once in a while, maybe i’ll hop on the podcast once in a while. More importantly, I want to help a group of people who are passionate about something in a way that lets them do more of it, for a longer period of time than i did.

Give us a follow on twitter, a like on facebook, and subscribe to the podcast. everything you see today is going to evolve, and it’s going to be fun to participate in and watch. get involved, be a part of the team. We’re looking for writers that have different perspectives, video creators that want to do stuff that the bigger players haven’t thought of yet….and more.

also. P H I F T H.


that’s how it’s spelled, PHilly fans 😉

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