
Finding the next TJ McConnell

One of the lesser talked about aspects of this past season was the TJ McConnell farewell tour. There were talks of a potential trade early in the season, but given his complete absence in the playoffs, McConnell’s role with the Sixers has grown nonexistent. It’s time to say goodbye to an old friend.

After Joel Embiid and Brett Brown, TJ is one of the last holdovers from the Process. He’s a scrappy piece of Sixers history that no one wants to let go. He’s the metaphorical Rocky that every Philadelphian dreams of having on their team. This one is going to hurt like hell.

However much this sucks, it does give the Sixers a chance to better their second unit. We all love TJ, but there’s a good amount of willful ignorance surrounding him. He may try really, really hard, but he’s unplayable most of the time.

Someone is going to take a chance on TJ’s leadership, energy, intensity on defense, and ability his ability to bond with teammates. A young team like the Phoenix Suns would make a lot of sense for McConnell, but the Sixers need someone with actually tangible abilities on the basketball court.

Here are some players who might help ease the pain of seeing TJ in another uniform:

Cory Joseph

This feels like Deja vu. Years ago we talked about Joseph possibly taking over the starting point guard spot for the Sixers. Thankfully, the Sixers are no longer the worst team in basketball and Joseph can play in a role more in line with his skill set.

Joesph is a hard-nosed, scrappy player much like McConnell. He doesn’t offer a lot on offense, although he is a better finisher and his three point shot is slightly better than McConnell’s, but his value lays on the defensive end. He may not press full court like TJ, very few do, but he’s one of the league’s better defenders. Joesph finished last season with 2.9 defensive win shares. He’s capable of locking down point of action initiators and he has good enough size to avoid being over powered and people shooting over his head; things TJ struggled with.

Joseph has previously played under Brett Brown during his San Antonio days, so the two are already familiar. He’s a former NBA champion who would provide a needed veteran presence. He might not be the best player available, and I’m not sure if he’ll fill the TJ-sized hole in our hearts, but he’s a quality role player who would improve the team on an affordable contract.

Ryan Arcidiacono

He may not be the best basketball player, but I guarantee people would shit a brick if the Sixers actually signed Archy.

The former Villanova Wildcat and national champion, just finished his second season with the Chicago Bulls and is starting to show some signs of NBA life. He’s a bit of a liability on the defensive end, but he does offer a little in terms of facilitation and shooting. Per 36 minutes, Arcidiacono averaged about five assists and 37% shooting from three on four attempts per game.

If you’re looking for another TJ, this is your guy. Both were four year college starters, both made deep postseason runs guiding collegiate powerhouses, both lack the athleticism to play in the NBA and neither is letting it hold them back.

Is Archy going to make the Sixers a better team? Nope, he probably makes them worse.

Would I be the happiest boy in the world if he replaced TJ? You bet your ass.

Kyle Guy

Pardon the pun, but this is my guy.

A three year starter at Virginia, Guy just helped lead the Cavaliers to their first NCAA championship in school history. He’s been a leader on one of the nation’s best collegiate program and should be a great lock room presence in the NBA.

Guy and McConnell aren’t very similar players. Both lack ideal size and athleticism, but that’s about all they have in common. McConnell is more of  traditional floor general, while Guy is much more of a sniper having shot 43% on seven three point attempts per game in his final season at Virginia. Guy is also capable of working off the dribble and creating his own shot, which is something the Sixers sorely lack in their backcourt.

Virginia is also one of the nation’s best defensive teams thanks to coach Tony Bennett. Although he lacks the athleticism to hang with most NBA players, Guy is seasoned and disciplined enough to be a capable defender at the next level.

Considering the amount of free agents the Sixers have to worry about, they may find themselves a little cap strapped. If that’s the case, they may need to replace McConnell through the draft. Guy may be the best white point guard for the job.

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