Around The NBA

Everything you need to know about the NBA’s potential return

It’s been over two months since Rudy Gobert became the first player to test positive for COVID-19, sending the NBA into a state of suspension, but the wait may finally be over. As states begin to gradually reopen and rescind stay-at-home orders, the NBA has started preparations for its long awaited return.

On Wednesday, it was reported that teams are expecting NBA league offices to release guidelines on June 1st that will help recall players who have left their cities during quarantine. This is seen as the first steps towards a formal ramp-up in order to resume the season. Teams are also waiting on the “ok” to start expanding individual workouts with players who have already returned.

At this time, there is a lot still unknown about the NBA’s potential return. Commissioner Adam Silver has already stated games are expected to be played without fans, but most other news seems like conjecture.

The NBA is currently discussing a step-by-step plan for resumption of play. The plan includes a two-week quarantine period for all recalled players, one to two weeks of individual workouts, and a two- to three-week trading camp, according to ESPN. There is belief between owners and executives that Silver will approve a return to play in June. Games are then expected to begin sometime in late July.

On Thursday, in an interview with CNBC, Milwaukee Bucks owner, Marc Lasry, suggested that the Eastern and Western conferences could be split between two sites. The Western conference playing in Las Vegas and the Eastern conference playing in Orlando, Florida. This is in line with a similar statement Silver made when he announced there would be no fans at games:

These two sites have long been rumored as potential sites if play resumed due to their accommodations; Disney’s wide world of sports in Orlando and the MGM Grand in Vegas. Silver has previously brought up the idea of playing in a “bubble” environment and that the lack of fans removes the need to travel. When speaking on the “bubble environment, Los Angeles Laker, Jared Dudley, mentioned that players would be permitted to leave playing sites, but there will be constant testing.

Later in his interview, Lasry said that he’s hopeful play will resume within the next six to eight weeks. He also mentioned the NBA has a board of governors call next Friday, which should provide some concrete information.

If/when play resumes, Silver is hoping for seven-game playoff series, but has not made much mention in regards to the regular season. There have been rumors that the NBA will play an abbreviated five game regular season in order to provide broadcast revenue for local affiliates. However, eliminating the regular season would mean fewer people at each play site and decrease the chances of contamination, making the situation safer for players.

Despite the NBA’s potential plans for return, the Corona virus is still present the United States. A third of the states that have already reopened are seeing a rise in daily new cases. The risk for players is still very high. Adam Silver has already stated players have to feel comfortable with continuing play, even if some people test positive for Corona. But that was before we were on the cusp of another wave.

If cases continue to increase, things could quickly become uncertain for the NBA once again. But for now, it seems like they have their eyes set on July 15th for games to resume. Or at least, that’s what Brooklyn Net, Spencer Dinwiddie believes.

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