
Elton Brand hired as Sixers GM

The Philadelphia 76ers have been looking for a new General Manager since early June, after the tweet-gate scandal. Rumors had David Griffin, Mike Zarren, Danny Ferry, Sam Hinkie, or even keeping Brett Brown as acting GM for the season. Pretty much what I am getting at is the Sixers did not seem to have a wide range of candidates to hire. Now, With training camp days away, the Sixers finally decided to pull the trigger. The Sixers hired from within, and the crazy part is this person was not someone that seemed to have a high chance to land the role. Former Sixers player, Elton Brand, was hired today as the General Manager.

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-CBS Sports

Elton Brand was a Sixer from (2008-2012) and then again in (2016). He was a two time NBA all-star that was remembered by injuries rather than success. He was then more of an ambassador for younger players during the intense days of the tanking. I remember going by the locker room in his second stint here and he was the only one in the gym. He has a work ethic that is unmatchable.

Elton Brand was hired by the Philadelphia 76ers in December of 2016 as a player development consultant. This position helped transition him to become the GM of the Deleware Blue Coats in 2017, the G league team for the Sixers.

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Now, from being just a player two years ago for the Sixers, he has become the GM of the franchise. I am very excited to see what he has in store for this team for the 2018-2019 campaign. We do not know a lot about his GM capabilities yet, but what we do know is he is a professional, who has endured pain and obstacles in his NBA career. He will bring these life lessons to his new office role with passion and integrity.

All we can do now is trust the process.

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