PQ News

A Message to our 7k Followers, Thank you for sticking with us

I remember it clear as day. The Sixers just played the Pistons and shortly after that the league shut down. The pandemic rocked the world back in March, which rocked The Phifth Quarters world just as bad.

We were planning out how to strategize around no Sixers basketball and then it got even worse.

Our Twitter account with just under 14k followers was suspended indefinitely.

Long story short, we used 30 threaded videos of Bryce Harper hitting home runs from back in 2019, that Sony Entertainment copyrighted. We used Old Town Road lyrics to the threaded video.

We could not get our account back. We worked our asses off to get our following and brand to that point back in March. We had a community that supported everything we did from giveaways, shirts, blogs, and podcasts. It was unrightfully taken away from us.

We did not give up.

We started over from scratch. We did jersey giveaways, that Tobias Harris and Mike Scott participated in, by signing the jersey for the winner. This was possible with the help of Josh Reynolds. He supported bringing PQ back from the dead.

Over the summer, we continued to push content to the page during the bubble.

Now, we are over 7k followers with the Sixers season starting tonight.

We are so excited to be live tweet every game with you again. Everyone has been affected by this pandemic in so many ways. Our goal is to put a smile on someones face and to give back to the Philadelphia community.

Thank you for sticking with us. We are back.

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