Player Focus

Joel Embiid arrives in Orlando, in a hazmat suit

Looking like someone just called a 2319, Joel Embiid arrived in Orlando earlier today dressed head-to-toe in protective clothing. Embiid’s ensemble came complete with a hazmat suit and matching mask and gloves. This is a look that is sure to sweep the NBA bubble.

Embiid’s disapproval of the NBA’s plans to restart the season have been well stated, much to the chagrin of Kendrick Perkins. His suit and all the extra measures could be Embiid’s way of showing how ridiculous it is that the NBA is trying to restart their season in the middle of a pandemic and that they aren’t being precautious enough. Or he’s just being extra careful in a state that has become the world’s leading hotbed for the Corona virus.

What’s most concerning about this clip is a mask-less Kyle O’Quinn laughing hysterically at Embiid’s attire.

C’mon KOQ. There are theme parks in Japan that now ban screaming on roller coasters to limit the spread of COVID-19 and he’s laughing with his mouth wide open and no mask on in front of Joel Embiid and a baby. You’ve gotta do better. If only more people were like Joel.

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