Around The NBA

100 Things to do While the NBA is Suspended

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Learn to play an instrument
  3. Create your own viral internet challenge (EX: The “don’t go anywhere or get anybody sick” challenge)
  4. T̶r̶a̶v̶e̶l̶
  5. Don’t Travel
  6. Build a fort
  7. Try to do a handstand
  8. Spin around in an office chair
  9. Practice animal sounds
  10. Count how many things are in your house and find out which tastes best
  11. Sleep
  12. Invent your own sport, maybe something toilet paper related
  13. Read a book
  14. Watch a movie based on the book you were going to read
  15. Create your own ASMR Youtube channel
  16. See how long you can hold your breath
  17. Break your breath holding record
  18. Cook some spaghetti
  19. Watch Super Bowl 53 and then reenact every play
  20. Drink a bunch of water and see how long you can hold it
  21. Clean your house (This should probably be higher on the list)
  22. Ride a bike *in a hazmat suit*
  23. Fly a kite *in a hazmat suit*
  24. Wash your hands
  25. Contemplate the fleeting existence we call, “life”
  26. Learn to knit
  27. Watch all of Netflix
  28. Take up photography
  29. Play some night crawlers
  30. Tell your friends and family you love them
  31. Play video games, a lot
  32. Puzzels!
  33. Learn to play Sudoku, then just fill in random numbers
  34. Pretend like you know how to play Minesweeper
  35. Start to learn a new language and then ignore your Duolingo
  36. Invent a new color
  37. Drink some more water
  38. Study impressionist art
  39. Practice writing with your other hand
  40. See how long you can stay in bed
  41. Get into cartooning
  42. Don’t touch anybody or yourself
  43. Wash your hands
  44. Wash your hands, again
  45. Canvass for Bernie Sanders *in a hazmat suit*
  46. Create a gladiator-style area for ants
  47. Start a petition to get Firefly back on the air
  48. Write bad reviews on yelp
  49. Stare longingly out your window
  50. Wait patiently for basketball to return 🙁
  51. Write an angry letter to the Corona Virus
  52. Listen to some John Coltrane
  53. Look for funny names in the phone book
  54. Call random numbers and leave nice message on their answering machine (EX: Your phone number is good)
  55. Find the Zodiac Killer
  56. Finally finish your memoirs
  57. Reunite a lost father and son
  58. Count to one million
  59. Count to one billion
  60. Bathe in hand sanitizer
  61. Start a paper route
  62. Dig a hole
  63. Start a dream journal
  64. Buy some stock in Appel
  65. Just vibe
  66. Study Tai Chi
  67. See how long you can stand on one leg
  68. Finish your taxes
  69. Commit tax fraud
  70. Eat some ice cream
  71. Sit on every chair you own
  72. Rate every chair you own
  73. Practice shadow puppets
  74. Start a fire
  75. Smell everything in your house
  76. Try P90x
  77. Eat some Play Doh
  78. Learn the choreography to NSYNC’s Bye Bye Bye video
  79. Melt stuff in the microwave
  80. Provide shelter to stray animals
  81. Build a bird house
  82. Record your mixtape
  83. Meditate
  84. Seriously, wash your hands
  85. Send Ben Simmons a “Get well soon” card
  86. Egg Josh Harris’ house
  87. Watch Naruto
  88. Take a really long shower
  89. Paint something
  90. Makeup facts on Wikipedia
  91. Begin hoarding supplies for the eventual riots
  92. Give yourself a hair cut
  93. Work on getting your screen play funded
  94. create a nest for hibernating over the next 30+ days
  95. Rob a bank
  96. Climb onto your roof and sit perched like a Gargoyle
  97. Learn to moonwalk
  98. Make a submission video for MTV’s the Real World and the Bachelor
  99. Wash your hands
  100. Write a “100 things to do while the NBA is on suspension” list… I really miss basketball…
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